NO More Dieting.....Are You Ready to Get Healthy? Are you ready to get that weight off once and for all?
At Pothier Hypnotherapy in conjunction with Diet Free Life we’re launching a unique program that for the first time allows you to eliminate weight, eating the foods that you love in Fat Burning combinations for life-long weight elimination. Check it Out!
Are You Ready for a.....
Who Are We?
Patrick D Pothier, CHt
Certified hypnotherapist who has struggled with his weight since leaving the US Army over 40 years ago, and spent many years looking for a diet that would help him lose weight, be diabetic friendly, and easy to implement. In March 2019 when he started the DFL program he was 55 pounds overweight, had a A1C of 7.6 and a Body Fat Percentage of 35%. With DFL he found a program that worked for him – and he now wants to share it with anyone who is serious about living their best life.
Robert Ferguson, MS, CN
Certified nutritionist, fitness expert, motivational speaker and author of two studies on reversing childhood obesity and three books on nutrition and fitness. He works with Fortune 500 companies, celebrities and professional athletes, helping thousands lose weight and improve their health for over 20 years. He is the CEO of Diet Free Life, LLC and has been dubbed America’s Fat Loss Coach.
Dr. Deepak Chopra once said,
“The Mind and Body are Like Parallel Universes. Nothing Takes Place in the Mind Without Leaving Tracks in the Body.” This is absolutely true and has been scientifically proven.
Everything Goes Better with health!
As you already know there are a million diets, philosophies and programs out there, many of them are focused on restrictions – don’t eat protein, don’t eat carbs, don’t eat etcetera etcetera etcetera …. you get the idea. Unfortunately, if “How to’s” were enough, we’d all be happy, skinny, healthy and wealthy. It’s just not the case. Just wanting to be healthy is not enough, we have to do something about it.
In fact, more than any other time in history, Americans are becoming overweight at younger ages and remaining overweight for longer periods of time … which in turn causes many of the health problems we face as a society today like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer.
We really have to take a good look at what we’re consuming and how we are consuming them, how our emotions and our mind-set, along with our beliefs about what is true play into this overall health crisis.
We have to approach the problem from 3 different perspectives – a great nutrition plan focused on body composition that is easy to understand,
follow and implement, some body movement like walking,
and all aligned with the right mind set.
With Body, Mind, and Emotions in Balance – YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE!
We have created the winning combination and now you can benefit from our powerhouse program, get that unwanted fat off, turn your body into a fat burning machine, and heal old emotional baggage from the past, by working with your subconscious mind.
Time to be the YOU, the very BEST YOU you’ve always wanted to be.
Want to find out more? Please contact me and let’s schedule a consultation and learn how this powerful program can work for you. Together we can create a customized Diet FREE Life / Hypnotherapy program just for you!
"The Diet Free Life program has been a huge blessing to me. Combined with my hypnotherapy protocols, since February I have dropped 30 of that 55 pounds and I continue to eliminate pounds and Body Fat. All my numbers are better, my A1C is down from 7.6 to 6.4, and my overall Body Fat is down 7%, and I’m feeling great, and I’m enjoying the foods that I love."
Pat Pothier, CHt