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Is it Luck or the Law of Attraction?

Writer's picture: Pothier HypnotherapyPothier Hypnotherapy

Secrets to Happiness and Good Luck

“Imagination is Everything – It is the Preview of Life’s Coming Attractions.” Albert Einstein

Is it the Luck of the Irish? Or….Your Subconscious Mind?

In honor of the recent St. Patrick’s Day and All My “Irish” friends…(well, at least for this one day)….I thought I’d consider the leprechaun and his pot of gold for a moment and how it pertains to hypnosis.

You probably already know that “Hypnosis” is just a state of focused awareness, something you go in and out of all day long.

Can Hypnosis Make You Lucky?

I believe it can because it is that focused awareness that allows us to engage our subconscious mind with a clear idea or intention, whatever that may be. Hypnosis can be used to heal your body, stop an addictive behavior, overcome trauma, create prosperity and improve relationships.

“When it Comes to Luck…You Make Your Own!” Bruce Springsteen

Doesn’t it seem like some people are just “Lucky?” It makes you wonder if they have some special “witchy” powers or were born with a four-leaf clover in their mouth.

The truth is anyone can be lucky by using Imagination to visualize a desired outcome.

Did you know your Imagination creates feelings inside of you?

Imagination is the language of your subconscious mind. Whatever you imagine your subconscious mind treats as an instruction to be carried out and immediately evokes your emotions that are attached to whatever you are imagining. I know that sounds like a mouthful, but in a nutshell, what you imagine or think about activates your feelings.

My question for you is: are you imagining what you desire or what you do not want? It matters. The truth is, your subconscious mind, which doesn’t judge anything, doesn’t care whether you perceive something to be good or bad, or whether you do or do not want it. Your subconscious mind simply responds to your thoughts and when you think thoughts, you automatically visualize pictures in your mind….”imagination.” Your subconscious will set into motion whatever it is you are thinking about or imagining. Imagination and the Law of Attraction When you experience feelings about the thing or picture you’re imagining, you activate the Law of Attraction, and the energy of your thoughts and images vibrates to the matching frequency which magnetizes it to you. Wow! So is it really luck? Or do some people have the ability to stay focused on what they desire instead of what they do not want? TIP: Whatever you imagine, you are creating for yourself…..start today by writing down what you truly desire for yourself. Then start imagining it as if you already have it. It’s the luckiest thing, that if you imagine what you desire, you’ll also feel better. SEE...You're Already Lucky! Your feelings tell you where you are out of alignment with your true desires. If you’re not feeling as good as you would like, it’s time to stop, breathe and pay attention to your thoughts and what you’re imagining. You can change it and also change how you feel. Decide today, to be happy no matter what! With Love, Pat and June


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